Friday, June 22, 2007

Summer Biography

Rev 12:11 "And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death"

In the Christian life, testimony presents a wonderful means of being stirred toward godliness. This is why I love biographies. Biographies free us from self-occupation in order to look beyond ourselves to faithful witnesses of Christ who inspire us to pour out our lives for the gospel.

This summer, I encourage you to pick up at least one biography and dive into the life of a Christian saint. Here are a few to choose from:

Augustine of Hippo by Peter Brown
Here I Stand: The Life of Martin Luther by Roland Bainton
John Calvin: His Life & Influence by Robert Reymond
Grace Abounding: John Bunyan, His Life & Books by David Calhoun
John Owen: Prince of Puritans by Andrew Thomson
Jonathan Edwards: A New Biography by Iain Murphy
But Now I See: Life of John Newton by Josiah Bull
Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce by John Piper
John Paton: Missionary to the New Hebrides by John Paton
Charles Spurgeon: The Early Years by Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon: The Full Harvest by Charles Spurgeon
B.B. Warfield by Gary Johnson
J. Gresham Machen: A Biographical Memoir by Ned B. Stonehouse
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: The First 40 Years by Iain Murphy
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: The Fight of Faith by Iain Murphy
John Stott: The Making of a Leader by Timothy Dudley-Smith

"The Swans are Not Silent" is an excellent series from John Piper:

Contending for Our All
The Legacy of Sovereign Joy

Roots of Endurance
The Hidden Smile of God


  1. I'd just like to make a correction:

    it's Iain Murray (or Iain H. Murray) not Ian Murphay.

  2. If I may offer an addition to a good list, I suggest Edwards' Life and Diary of David Brainerd.

