Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Coronavirus19 – What’s It for?

1 comment:

  1. Some very good thoughts in Paul Helm's piece. I did wonder about this section:

    "Jesus did not react as the Puritans, who thought of the occurrence of plagues (including the London plague of 1645), as a society-wide divine punishment.
    Here surely they forgot that whatever purpose plagues played in the O.T., we should hold to the fact that now the people of God are no longer ‘slaves’ but ‘sons’ (Gal. 4.3)"

    I wasn't seeing the connection. Does the New Covenant now mean that God does not bring temporal judgments upon non-covenanted nations like he did in the Old Covenant? I wonder if passages like Isaiah 19 and God's judgment on Egypt might be relevant. I looked at this passage a few years ago:
