Monday, September 19, 2011


I am an atheist.
I've written as such before - I think I mentioned it while writing one year about the Christmas liquor sales prohibition - but this seems like a good week to flesh out what it is and what it means. There will soon be a billboard in the Grand Rapids area advising motorists that atheists exist and aren't horrible monsters, as they are often assumed to be by many of the Christian majority.

To begin with, if he were a monster, I wouldn’t expect him to publish his true identity in the local paper. Don’t monsters generally keep a low profile?

Are werewolves monsters? Most of the time a werewolf can pass for a human. If, however, you have the misfortune to find yourself in close quarters with a werewolf during a full moon, you’ll see a very different side of him.

Likewise, an atheist may well be decent most of the time–as long as his virtue isn’t put to the test. But in a lifeboat situation, his inner lycan might emerge. 

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