Friday, September 03, 2010

Does the Christian God Exist: Debate Audio and Handouts

"Does the Christian God Exist?"

UNCG Atheists, Agnostics and Skeptics & Shepherd's Fellowship with Sinner Ministries.

Here is the unedited debate file.

The Debate Handout (SF/ PTGE)

The Debate Handout (UNCGAAS)

Truth Talk Live 09022010

Robbie's Hobbies (PastorDustin 08282010)

Flying Spaghetti Monster question

Watch this blog and the Shepherd's Fellowship church blog for analysis and open questions to follow.


  1. Wow -- the intellectual dishonesty with which the fourth speaker dealt with Deuteronomy is staggering. Reading four verses of context is enough to dismiss his contention.

    And history? He pretends like we simply need to scratch at the soil to produce evidence for events as trivial as a despot's murder of babies. What do you mean CNN didn't operate without total archival integrity in the first century?

  2. Pardon me throwing down a link but as for "Flying Spaghetti Monster question" which states "Prove me wrong" within it--well, I have done so:

