Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Easter Resources 2025

For an overview of which evidence for Jesus' resurrection to focus on most, see my post here. Steve Hays wrote a lengthier post on how to make a case for the resurrection.

Here are some of the Easter issues we've addressed over the years, with many more in the archives:

Evidence For Acts' Material On The Resurrection Appearance To Paul
Evidence That The Risen Jesus Was Heard And Touched, Not Just Seen, Including In 1 Corinthians 15
The Gospels And Acts' Polymodal Resurrection Accounts Corroborated In The New Testament Letters
The Witnesses' Willingness To Suffer For Belief In Jesus' Resurrection
Did the resurrection witnesses have an opportunity to recant?
How The Apostles Died
Did the resurrection accounts develop in a suspicious way?
The Evidence For The Resurrection Account In Matthew 28:9-10
Paul's Inner Experience In Galatians 1:16
Problems With A Hallucination Hypothesis
Were the resurrection appearances grief hallucinations?
Did Paul experience a guilt hallucination on the road to Damascus?
The Resurrected Jesus Appeared To At Least Five Non-Christians, Probably More
Was it the resurrection appearance to James that converted him?
How much can we trust ancient Christian sources in light of their biases?
Early, Non-Extant Documents On The Resurrection
How Early The Synoptics And Acts Were Written
The Authorship Of Matthew
The Authorship Of Mark
The Authorship Of Luke And Acts
The Authorship Of John
The Authorship Of The Pauline Letters (see the comments section)
The Historicity Of Acts
Easter Material Corroborated In The Letters Of Peter
Evidence For The Empty Tomb
Early Affirmation Of The Empty Tomb From Gentile Non-Christians
Jesus' Burial And Empty Tomb Outside The Gospels And Acts
Fifty Agreements Among The Resurrection Accounts
The Consistencies Among The Resurrection Accounts In 1 Corinthians 15, The Gospels, And Acts
The Restrained Nature Of The Resurrection Accounts
The Contrast Between The Prominence Of Female Witnesses In Luke And Their Lack Of Prominence In Acts
Alleged Errors And Contradictions In The Resurrection Accounts
Harmonizing The Resurrection Accounts
The Spiritual Body Of 1 Corinthians 15
Why didn't the risen Jesus appear to more and different people?
Why doesn't Jesus appear to everybody?
How do we know Jesus' resurrection wasn't a demonic miracle?
Jesus' Resurrection And Marian Apparitions
What if alleged miracles, like Jesus' resurrection, were caused by a currently unknown natural process?
Why prefer Jesus to gods, emperors, and other ancient figures associated with miracles?
Matthew 27:52-53
Reviews Of Debates On Jesus' Resurrection
Easter Prophecy Fulfillment
Miracles On Video

You can find an archive of our posts with the Easter label here. Or search for posts with other labels by replacing the word Easter in the URL with another phrase (Empty Tomb, Prophecy, etc.). Click on Older Posts at the bottom of the screen to see more.

We've written some e-books, and they have material relevant to Easter. See the e-books section of the sidebar on the right side of the screen.

There's also some material relevant to Easter in my articles on skeptical myths about the church fathers.

Here are the Easter Resources posts from previous years:


The 2024 post linked above was followed by an article on how to handle issues surrounding prophecy fulfillment related to Easter. I also linked some material by Michal Flowers on Psalm 22:16. Another post discussed the number and variety of resurrection experiences Peter had. After that, I addressed some neglected evidence for the resurrection appearance to Paul in Acts. In another post, I discussed the significance of the involvement of at least two communities in the origins of a document like a gospel or a letter. The discussion of resurrection appearances in 1 Corinthians 15, for example, didn't just involve the Corinthian church. It also involved Christians in Ephesus, where Paul wrote 1 Corinthians. My next post was about how the lack of anticipation of Paul in the gospels and the early chapters of Acts, such as a lack of anticipation of his apostleship, is evidence for the historicity of those documents. Then I discussed how Paul's claim in 1 Corinthians 15:6 to know so much about the resurrection appearance to more than five hundred and its witnesses is corroborated elsewhere in his letters. There are implications for his familiarity with other resurrection appearances and witnesses as well. In another post, I quoted John Piper on what Jesus said at the Last Supper about service and God as a giver. In the post that followed, I quoted some comments from Cyril of Jerusalem about the thief on the cross. Here's a review of a debate on the resurrection between Than Christopoulos and Matt Dillahunty. I wrote about some of the reasons why people prefer Christmas to Easter. In another post, I addressed the historicity of John 19:27. I also discussed the Zeitoun Marian apparitions and issues like how the Zeitoun evidence compares to the evidence for Jesus' resurrection and how the resurrection and Zeitoun fit within a Christian framework. And here's a post that discusses such issues further, including a discussion of how Jesus' resurrection is evidenced by its connections with other miracles.

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