Monday, February 22, 2010

"Ever eat a pine tree?"

"For instance, a 'literal' interpretation of Genesis 1-2 does not require the granularity of YEC but can employ a literary framework approach to discern the content."’m-neither-a-creationist-nor-an-evolutionist/

As Euell Gibbons might say, the taste of young-earth creationism reminds me of wild hickory nuts.


  1. Steve, are you familiar with, or have you already interacted with James B. Jordan's "Creation In Six Days: A Defense of the Traditional Reading of Genesis One" ? Or, do you know of a "framework" proponent who has addressed his criticisms of that model?

  2. I have it. It suffers a bit from his "maximal" hermeneutics.

    Lee Irons would be the obvious choice to review it from a framework perspective, but I'm unaware of his having done so.

  3. Steve,

    You previously said, "Speaking for myself, I subscribe to a 'young' earth and special creation." (Polly wanna cracker; 6/30/06)

    What did you mean by I subscribe to a "young" earth. Thanks.

  4. "young" earth means he believes the earth to be from 6,000 to 10,000 years old

  5. Yes, I realize that is generally how it is used. However, Steve put “young” in quotation marks, and I was wondering if there was some significance to the quotation marks.

    Do those who subscribe to the literary framework approach also generally believe in a young earth, or is there no connection between subscribing to the framework approach and one’s belief in the age of the earth?

  6. Wheat,

    Without taking time to reread it, I suspect that I used quotes because I was paralleling the phraseology of my interlocutor.

    If my "literary framework" you mean the framework hypothesis (a la Kline et al.), then that is intended to make room for modern dating estimates.

  7. Have you read Godawa's new research paper at the BIOLOGOS website?

    Cosmogony, Combat and Covenant
