Thursday, July 05, 2007

"The Old Perspective on Paul"

Perspectives on Paul: Old & New by Stephen Westerholm
Understanding Paul by Stephen Westerholm
Jesus' Blood & Righteousness: Paul's Theology of Imputation by Brian Vickers
The Law & its Fulfillment: A Pauline Theology of Law by Thomas Schreiner
Justification & Variegated Nomism Pt. 2: The Paradoxes of Paul by DA Carson
Justified in Christ by K. Scott Oliphint, et al
By Faith Alone: Answering the Recent Challenges to the Doctrine of Justification
by Johnson & Waters, et al
Christ, Our Righteousness: Paul's Theology of Justification by Mark Seifrid
Justification & the New Perspective on Paul by Guy Waters
Counted Righteous in Christ by John Piper

...Also, stay tuned for Piper's new book responding to NT Wright on justification.


  1. This is a good bibliography. You might consider adding Westerholm's book, which is outstanding.

    The book _By Faith Alone_ is not by David Wells, by the way. It is edited by Gary Johnson and Guy Waters.

  2. Evan,

    Nice list.

    Possibly of interest as well is a book by J. Ligon Duncan, _Misunderstanding Paul?_, slated for release in the fall 2007.

