Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Updated Recommendations For Bible Study Resources

Denver Seminary recently posted a 2022 update to their bibliographies for the Old Testament and the New Testament. See here for Steve Hays' bibliography, which he updated shortly before his death in 2020.


  1. Good stuff!
    However, I am alarmed at section "Underrepresented People Groups."

    1. What do you mean, you don't think you'll read good scholarship from something described as "A collection of essays from around the world that interpret particular biblical texts from a liberationist and pluralist perspective."?

    2. Wait, liberationist as in blatantly Marxist, or woman's liberation?

  2. Lists have to end somewhere, but for the NT I'd add

    Stein: The Meaning and Message of Jesus' Teaching
    Stein: Studying the Synoptic Gospels
    Van Voorst: Jesus outside the Gospels
    Porter: The Syntoptic Problem
    McGrew: The Eye of the Beholder
    Anderson: The Riddle of the Fourth Gospel
    Fanning: Revelation

    I'm not a huge fan of Witherington. The only commentaries I'd put on a list would be Acts, Mark and Revelation
