Thursday, February 18, 2021

Making sense of the Ravi Zacharias scandal

I've read and seen several Christians reflecting on the Ravi scandal. I think the person who gets closest to what I'd want to say is David Wood. It's a long video, but Wood makes several insightful observations and as is often the case Wood is keen in his psychological analyses.


  1. is it possible to repent without restitution the same with what ravi did?

    1. 1. Speaking generally, I think it's possible for a regenerate Christian to die in a state of sin. After all, every born-again Christian is still a sinner. There's such a thing as remaining sin. In that respect, every Christian dies in a state of sin. So dying in a state of sin and dying in a state of grace aren't necessarily mutually incompatible.

      2. Catholics draw a distinction between mortal sin and venial sin (which in turn involves other factors like knowledge and informed consent). However, that's highly debatable. For one thing, the distinction tends toward a false dichotomy, but sin can't be easily separated into a mortal category and a venial category. Rather sin ranges along a spectrum where even the same sin can differ in culpability depending on other variables (e.g. is lying a sin in and of itself?).

      In addition, even the slightest "venial" sin is "mortal" if it's not been forgiven by Christ's shed blood on the cross. All sins are "mortal" in their own nature in this sense.

      3. Regarding Ravi, what Ravi did over many years to many victims was certainly very grave. Moreover, it's possible what Ravi did may suggest Ravi wasn't a bona fide Christian. I'm in no position to say one way or the other with any certainty though. I suppose only God knows for sure.

  2. By the way, I want to add that the evil Ravi committed doesn't necessarily detract from the good that Ravi did. It's possible that some of Ravi's sermons or debates led people to genuine faith in Christ. If so, that's truly good. Bad people can say and do good things.

    Further this might demonstrate that the message of the gospel isn't dependent on any particular person. The truth is the truth even if the vessel through which the truth comes is inadequate or tainted.

  3. Shirley Steward claims she was pressured to have an abortion at age 16 by Ravi Zacharias and his brother Ramesh Zacharias. This was in 1973. Steward did a recent interview about this on Julie Roys' podcast too (Feb 2021).

    I don't know if Steward's story is true. However, suppose it is true. If so, then I wonder whether Ravi Zacharias' wife, Margie, might have had some knowledge about the abortion at the time? If Margie did have knowledge about the abortion, then I wonder why she never said anything about it? In particular, see this section from Steward's story:

    "In 1973, abortions were illegal in Canada, except in the case of a danger to the life of the mother and had to be approved by a panel of 3 doctors. I was in no danger from being pregnant and I was also too young to be aware of these legalities. So how was permission obtained? I found out after the fact, from Ramesh, that another parishioner was the one that made the arrangements. Vicki S. was a nurse, who worked at St. Michael’s hospital in downtown Toronto. Coincidentally (?) she was the best friend and co-worker of Ravi’s wife, Margie. They worked together in the same department. And St. Michael’s hospital was where the abortion was performed."

  4. Ohh so does this mean that Ravi is an unbeliever all along? Hawk I am rethinking my life as well after the Ravi scandal I also deceive a Christian with some of the finances of my seminary education how do I make restitution if I do not have much money now as well?

    1. Like I've been saying, sorry, I don't know what Ravi's final state is.

      If you're a Christian who has sinned against another Christian, then you should approach this other Christian and ask for their forgiveness which includes asking them how you can make restitution.

  5. I am late to this. I have for a season tried to avoid the issue because its so disturbing.

    I will add a few comments:

    1) Christians can go through cycles of sinning and repenting and back to sinning again and again. There was a guy that John Piper counseled who said he was Xtn and was addicted to porn for years. It was always sin - repent - fall again - repent and on and on.

    2) Ravi comes from a honor-shame culture. People from such cultures have a very difficult time repenting in public.

    3) I have tried to process Samson also. If you pick up any commentary or listen to any sermon, you will see that the writer or preacher will find it very difficult to say anything good about him. Go check them. Samson slept around and there does not seem to be any record of him repenting. Yet the guy is in the Hall of Faith.

    Could Ravi have repented and not made it known? Who knows. There are somethings that only God knows.
