Friday, October 25, 2019

Falling on a grenade

An observation I made today on Facebook:

Calvinism doesn't teach that God created the reprobate for the purpose of their going to hell. 

It's true that God intends the reprobate to end up in hell, but that doesn't mean hell is the goal of reprobation. 

To take a comparison: consider a soldier who throws himself on a grenade to save the lives of his comrades. That kills him. That's the last thing he did. That's the end-result. But that wasn't the goal of his action–"Yea, I wanna get my guts blown out!". Rather, the aim was to shield his comrades by absorbing the explosion. Dying was a side-effect of his intentions. A means to an end. 

God can create the reprobate in large part for what they do in this life. As agents, they make certain things happen. They help to drive the plot of world history. 

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