Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Two Wills in God: Not Just for Calvinists

Two Wills in God: Not Just for Calvinists by Jeremy Pierce


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  2. Erika,

    Try posing your question without the gratuitous expletives. Also, your question is too vague to merit a response. "See so little" in reference to whom or what?

  3. really, this is the only answer i get from someone that thinks they know God so well?

  4. The answer is only as good as the question. Unless and until you pose a specific question, you can't expect a specific answer.

  5. insults? is that a characteristic of God? i don't care how "wise" you think you are if you can't love and respect even me than you do not know God or have His Spirit in you.

  6. It's hardly insulting to point out that you complain about a failure to answer your question when you stubbornly refuse to ask a question that's answerable.

    BTW, I didn't make any claims about how "wise" I am. You are trying to cast me in a role, then attack the role.

  7. how was my question not answerable? i simply want to know why all this debating and studying even matters when people can't find God anywhere in it? they might gain some head knowledge but they never meet people that actually love the way Christ taught us to love, etc...

  8. Knowing about the will of God is quite relevant to "finding" God. Christ taught us how to think as well as how to act.

    In the nature of the case, the blogosphere is a medium about speaking rather than doing. You yourself are speaking rather than doing. It's not as if you're showing love by merely talking about showing love.

    If you want to "meet" people, then a faceless medium like the blogosphere is the wrong place to look. Try your local church.

  9. "...if you can't love and respect even me than you do not know God or have His Spirit in you."

    Obviously Erika does not know God or have His Spirit in her given her display of love and respect for Steve.

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