Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spies R Us

To: Ben Douglass
From: Spies R Us
Re: Our Vatican plant

Dear Mr. Douglass,

Thanks for your fine work discombobulating Mr. Armstrong. As you know from his dossier, he’s pretty unstable to begin with. It doesn’t take very much to push him over the edge.

Of course, the Armstrong case was just a test-case. During a double agent’s probationary period, we test cadets on minor leaguers like Mr. Armstrong.

Your performance evaluation has been exemplary over the last six months. Now that you’ve completed your internship, we’ll be reassigning you to a more important case. You’ve been booked on a flight to Rome–where you’ll be assuming your new role as chief-of-staff to the Prefect for the CDF. The mission profile is on your BlackBerry.

P. S. Your fee has been wired to a Caiman account in your code name.

1 comment:

  1. P. S. Your fee has been wired to a Caiman account in your code name.What gives? You promised beer and peanuts!
