Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Steve Hays ebooks 1

Over a year ago, I mentioned there'd be forthcoming Steve Hays ebooks. I'm terribly sorry it took such a long time! But here's the first batch:

Steve Hays chose most of the ebook covers as well as wrote all the prefaces shortly before his death. The prefaces are new and won't be found elsewhere.

There are a total of six ebooks in the current batch. Just quickly eyeballing it, it looks like Steve had somewhere around 50 ebooks. So there should be ~44 more ebooks to come, give or take. I don't know when the next batch will come, but it might be a while.

I must note, though, that I didn't do any of the work. Rather it was done by Led by the Shepherd - all the credit goes to him! Led by the Shepherd approached me to see if he could lend a hand and I'm so thankful he did because I've been quite busy in my personal life and I didn't have the time or energy to do the ebooks. May the Lord reward Led by the Shepherd for his faithful work to honor Steve's own work!

Finally the great John Hendryx has likewise generously hosted these ebooks along with a lot of other material by Steve Hays over on his world famous Many thanks to John as well!


  1. Thanks Patrick, it's good to see these being brought out for the edification of others! I learned a lot putting these together and I hope that by them God's word reaches many.

  2. Woops, it looks like I'm getting "Access Denied" for all of the links. Might want to give the permissions a look.

    1. Oh, woops indeed! Sorry about that! I'll fix it now. :-)

  3. I knew some of Steve's books were going to be posted, but I didn't know it would be this many. Brilliant. Many thanks to you both (Led By the Shepherd, and Patrick).

  4. One thing I never got a full picture of (or maybe I forgot, always a live possibility) was Steve's education. I recall reading he took some classes under Frame, but that's it.

    1. Yeah, it is a bit tricky to piece together the full picture because Steve didn't often talk about himself and when he did he would simply mention his educational background in passing at various times.

      Steve double majored in history and classics at Seattle Pacific University. He attended WSCal where he studied under luminaries like John Frame, as you mentioned. He finished his Masters of Arts in Religion (MAR) at RTS. From personal correspondence, I know Steve considered (and, if I recall correctly, was accepted into) a doctoral program, but he decided against it in the end.

      All this merely represents his formal education, but Steve learned a great many other things entirely on his own. For example, John Frame points out that "Steve became a very sophisticated philosopher" and it sounds like Steve largely accomplished this on his own.

      BTW, you might be interested in Steve's post "My intellectual development"! :-)

    2. Apropos (1) ... lol...

      On occasion he mentioned books that he had read from cover to cover. These were books for which even the titles were too difficult for me to digest. (e.g. On a Complex Theory of a Simple God by Christopher Hughes. I saw the book in a library... pass... )

  5. The ebooks are well done and will be very useful. Thanks!

  6. Many thanks to all who have contributed to this project.
