Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The worst man who ever lived

Who’s the worst man that ever lived? Historians tend to measure that by the leader who caused the most death and destruction. Perennial candidates for this ignominious distinction include Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Tamerlane, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Pol Pot, Ivan the Terrible, and Vlad the Impaler.

If we were politically incorrect, we’d include architects of abortion policy like Justice Brennan.

There is, however, a very promising candidate for the worst of the worst who doesn’t normally make the cut. I mean Muhammad. He founded a false world religion that men kill for and die for (die for in the process of killing). When you consider the cumulative body count, century upon century, which he set in motion, I expect that greatly outstrips the other villains on the list.

This isn’t an incidental consequence of Islam. Not a mistaken interpretation. Rather, by precept and personal example, Muhammad led the way.

I’m not suggesting that he was especially sadistic, or more wicked than the moral monsters I cited above. Rather, I’m considering the long-range effects of his mission and message. The resultant lives destroyed over the centuries, in the Islamic meat-grinder. 


  1. Also, tell me who's more directly responsible for more people ending up in Hell than Mohammed? I can't think of one.

  2. Rhology, Given your theology, how is it that anyone can be responsible for another person going to hell?

  3. That's a fine question. I didn't intend to communicate that I thought he's responsible in terms of the other guy had nothing to do with it. I *did* say, in all fairness, "more directly responsible", and that's the key.

    He bears SOME responsibility for deceiving others, and MORE than most anyone else I can think of. Does that clarify?

  4. Are saying that someone can have an impact on whether or not another person goes to hell? Are you not part of the predestination camp?

  5. Yes someone can have an impact. Yes I am a Calvinist. Calvinism≠fatalism

  6. If one is predestined to go to hell, how can it be that another could be even partially responsible? Is it not all according to plan? If a Muslim where deceived and went to hell, could it have been any other way? Maybe if they were smarter and able to recognize the deception or what ever other way they may have chosen differently.

  7. Because God uses means, both to damn and to save.
    Yes, it is all according to plan.
    No, it could not have been any other way.
    No, it has nothing to do with smarts.

    You definitely need to do as Steve said.

  8. It sounds like just a compatibilist view of determinism. What would you say it one key difference?

  9. It's compatibilism. The main difference is that God uses means on compatibilism and the means are irrelevant on fatalism.
