
Thursday, June 25, 2009


(CNN) -- Entertainer Michael Jackson has died after being taken to a hospital on Thursday after suffering cardiac arrest, according to multiple reports including the Los Angeles Times and the Associated Press. CNN will bring you live, nonstop coverage of this developing story.

Due to a giant asteroid, which is scheduled to strike the earth at 10:53 PM EST, thereby extinguishing all forms of life on the surface of the earth, there may be a temporary interruption in our nonstop coverage of the Michael Jackson story. However, CNN has made arrangements with White House Press Secretary to continue broadcasting from the Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center to provide live, up-to-the-minute coverage of the Michael Jackson story. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. The world loves its own. Some highly influential pastors, theologians, and other Christians have died in recent years after accomplishing many significant things, with only a tiny fraction of the attention that the death of somebody like Michael Jackson gets. When somebody like Adrian Rogers, D. James Kennedy, Bruce Metzger, or Ralph Winter dies, the world knows about it. Many news organizations have staff who follow events of a religious nature. And their lack of coverage of such deaths isn't due only to a lack of public interest. When some obscure artist or politician dies, for example, the media often try to convince the public to be concerned about it and think highly of the person. That doesn't occur, at least to the same extent, with men like the ones I mentioned above.

    "Oh I would not have it said of any of you, 'Well, he may be somewhat Christian, but he is far more a keen money-getting tradesman.' I would not have it said, 'Well, he may be a believer in Christ, but he is a good deal more a politician.' Perhaps he is a Christian, but he is most at home when he is talking about science, farming, engineering, horses, mining, navigation, or pleasure-taking. No, no, you will never know the fullness of the joy which Jesus brings to the soul, unless under the power of the Holy Spirit you take the Lord your Master to be your All in all, and make him the fountain of your intensest delight. 'He is my Saviour, my Christ, my Lord,' be this your loudest boast." (Charles Spurgeon)
