
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Which medical experts do I follow?

Here are some individuals I follow as well as resources I use for staying up to speed with the coronavirus (i.e. SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19). Of course, that's not to suggest I always agree with them. I hope it's helpful to people.


Financial Times

Johns Hopkins (GitHub data)




CHEST. American College of Chest Physicians.

CIDRAP. Michael Osterholm.

Clinical Trials. Just input "Covid" to see the clinical trials underway.

COVID-19 ICU Resources. Victor Tseng.

IBCC. Josh Farkas.

NextStrain. SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 phylogeny.

ICU One Pager. Nick Mark.

ICU Pandemic. Stephen Lapinksy.

LitCovid. The most up-to-date research. PubMed articles.

medRxiv. Pre-print publications. Cold Spring Harbor.

NEJM. A world-renowned medical journal. My favorite medical journal.

UpToDate. No paywall.


Amesh Adalja. Emergency, critical care, and infectious diseases. Johns Hopkins and the University of Pittsburgh.

Roger Alvarez. Pulmonary and critical care. University of Miami.

Arturo Casadevall. Infectious diseases. Johns Hopkins.

Christopher Chiu. Internal medicine and pediatrics. Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Curbsider.

Josh Farkas. Pulmonary and critical care. University of Vermont.

Rohin Francis. Cardiology. University College London.

Ewan Goligher. Critical care. Toronto, Canada. Reformed and evangelical Christian.

Scott Gottlieb. Internal medicine. He used to be the head of the FDA. Republican.

Mike Hansen. Pulmonary and critical care. Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Peter Hotez. Pediatrician and infectious diseases. Baylor University.

Stephen Lapinksy. Pulmonary and critical care. Mount Sinai. He has a focus on pregnant women.

Ian Lipkin. Pathologist. Columbia University. A science consultant for the film Contagion.

Nick Mark. Pulmonary and critical care. Virginia Mason.

Vinay Prasad. Hematology and oncology. Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine.

Paul Sax. Infectious diseases. Harvard.

Roger Seheult. Pulmonary and critical care. Loma Linda. He's also a Seventh Day Adventist.

Steven Simpson. Pulmonary and critical care. University of Kansas Medical Center.

Eric Strong. Internal medicine. Stanford.

Victor Tseng. Pulmonary and critical care physician. Atlanta, Georgia.

Matthew Watto. Internal medicine. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Curbsider.

Scott Weingart. Emergency and critical care. Stony Brook University.

Paul Williams. Internal medicine. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Curbsider.


Adam Kucharski. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Mark Lipsitch. Harvard University.

Michael Osterholm. University of Minnesota. He was recently on Joe Rogan.

Caitlin Rivers. Johns Hopkins.

Maria Van Kerkhove. World Health Organization.


Trevor Bedford. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Ian Mackay. University of Queensland.

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