
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Rauser's racism hidden in plain sight

Randal Rauser recently did two back-to-back posts which are ironically interrelated. In his post about “Urinating on corpses…” he even dusted off the My Lai Massacre, which took place well before he was born.

Then he did a subsequent post about “Racism hidden in plain sight,” in which he did a predictable rant about sports teams named after American Indians or Indian tribes (e.g. the Cleveland Indians).

What’s ironic is that Rauser is, himself, a racist. A liberal racist. Of course, liberal racists never recognize their own racism.

i) But before we get to that, Rauser exhibits an odd obsession with the U.S. He acts as if he suffers from a Canadian inferiority complex. Envious resentment of that Behemoth next door.

Why can’t he be a proud Canadian? Canada has lots of magnificent natural scenery, some very impressive cities, a fascinating national history, a vibrant film and TV industry–just to mention of few things an outsider like myself is dimly aware of. So why is he so fixated on the U.S.?

ii) Also, like a typecast white liberal, he presumes to take offense at things that supposedly offend racial minorities. He doesn’t consult them first. He doesn’t let them speak for themselves. He adopts a parental attitude toward racial minorities–as if they’re children who can’t express themselves.

iii) Why does he bring up the My Lai massacre, but says nothing about the Killing Fields of the Khmer Rouge, which was vastly bloodier?

Or why not talk about the Armenian genocide? Or the Burundi genocide? Or the Mongol invasion? Or the Nanking massacre? Why not talk about the Iran-Iraq war? Or the Aztecs? Why not talk about how the Syrian regime is gunning down protesters?

Why not talk about Egyptian men gang-raping a CBS war correspondent?

Why not talk about honor-killings in Canada?

Apparently, Rauser thinks that only white folks are morally responsible agents. He treats non-whites like zoo animals who can’t control their impulses. 


  1. ii) Also, like a typecast white liberal, he presumes to take offense at things that supposedly offend racial minorities.

    As a racial minority, it gets pretty old listening to liberals being offended on my behalf, presuming to tell me what's in my best interest, etc., as if I didn't have my own voice, or that I even cared about the issues as much as they presumably do.

  2. His obsession with America is pretty funny. But of course it's cool and hip to rip on America. Anyway, why doesn't he worry about his own backyard instead of being a busybody and peering over the fence? The CFL is *Canadian* and not *American*. However, here's two teams in the CFL: The Edmonton Eskimos and the Montreal Alouettes. Racism hidden in plain sight in Canada. Moreover, of course there's Canadian NHL teams with similar names. So, those who live in glass houses . . .

  3. Also why is it "Toronto Maple Leafs"?!? Everyone should know the plural of "leaf" is "leaves"! Arrgghh

  4. As I said over at his blog: "Lighten up."

  5. As a Canadian living in our nations capital (which, despite popular opinion, is NOT Toronto) I am regularly disgusted by the anti-American sentiment. Many Canadians feel that you are not truly Canadian unless you think everyone in the U.S.A is stupid and arrogant. But Canadians are no less stupid and arrogant than Americans. Canadians are like the Pharisees while Americans are more like the prostitutes and tax collector. We're sinners but were subtle about it.

  6. That's ok, the Quebecois don't feel like they're truly french unless they think all the anglophones are stupid and arrogant, so it all evens out (somehow).

  7. Rauser is a "Neville Chamberlain" Christian and a Collaborator.

    He had done a book with John Loftus which will be coming out soon and which he thinks will boost his recognition.

    It will.

    Because by all accounts Loftus pulls no punches and trashes Rauser, while Rauser sits back and tries to be all "accomdating" out of fear of "offending" some with the Gospel.

    Its going to be a disaster for Rauser, wait and see.

  8. Paul:
    An "Alouette" is a bird - a skylark, I believe - that sings. It's not a derogatory term.

    "Eskimo" can be, though, so I'll grant you that.

    There aren't any NHL teams with racist names, though. You might be thinking Chicago Blackhawks or something.

  9. Mathetes:
    My only guess is that a singular player is called a Maple Leaf, and so many players are called Maple Leafs. Perhaps, while the plural of leaf is leaves, the term is "maple leaf" and is handled as something new?

    Or perhaps it's just because people are crazy...

  10. Maybe they didn't want to give the impression that they were going to "leave" Toronto.

    Or maybe educational standards amongst hockey players wasn't a big priority back then...

  11. Actually, they're called the Maple Leafs because their organization, as well as all their fans, are incapable of grasping basic grammar. ;)

  12. Matthew D. Schultz said:

    "As a racial minority, it gets pretty old listening to liberals being offended on my behalf, presuming to tell me what's in my best interest, etc., as if I didn't have my own voice, or that I even cared about the issues as much as they presumably do."

    I second this.

  13. Emmanuel Goldstein: "Rauser is a "Neville Chamberlain" Christian and a Collaborator.

    He had done a book with John Loftus which will be coming out soon and which he thinks will boost his recognition."

    Rauser confirms that he's co-written a book with John Loftus in the comment section of:

    Did Aliens Seed Life on Earth? A Modest Defense of the Panspermia Hypothesis
