
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Psychos for Jesus

randal says:
Sunday, January 15, 2012 at 4:31am

Steve Hays’ rants read like a Colbert Report send-up.
The only problem is that Hays isn’t trying to be funny apparently.
What a psycho.

This is Rauser’s response to my post, in which I quoted his knee-jerk reaction what the Marines did. The question is whether it’s intrinsically evil to desecrate the dead. I quoted a number of Bible passages which portray ritual desecration of enemy corpses in approving terms.

Of course, that doesn’t ipso facto legitimate what the Marines did. Rather, it makes the point that there is nothing inherently evil about desecrating the dead.

As far as that goes, it wouldn’t be hard to argue that Muslim warriors are analogous to the enemies of the true God in the passages I quoted. But that’s not my immediate point. I’m just comparing the shallow, brainless, politically correct reaction with the attitude of Scripture.

On Rauser’s scale of values, it’s condemnable to urinate on enemy corpses, but commendable to (figuratively) urinate on the Bible. Rauser urinates on the Bible every week by his open contempt for the Bible. Rauser is a closet atheist who shares the same view of Scripture as Richard Dawkins, Thomas Paine, Robert Ingersoll, and Christopher Hitchens. He scorns the Bible of Jesus. He scorns the faith of Jesus.


  1. "As far as that goes, it wouldn’t be hard to argue that Muslim warriors are analogous to the enemies of the true God in the passages I quoted. But that’s not my immediate point."

    That's probably what they think about us. So they drag the bodies of our dead servicemen in trucks down the streets. We piss on theirs.

    Each gives the other side the opportunity to say: "See? They're a bunch of bloodthirsty, amoral heathens".

    So around and around we go ...

    You can think what you like about whether actions are justified (although, given that we are not omniscient, we cannot judge with the same type of justice that God can). The question is whether such actions serve our cause from a foreign policy perspective.

    I'm just thinking of the practical side of this. It's bad press, and rightfully so, no?

  2. Do you really think Rauser is a closet atheist?

    Could be, although I think of him as more of a Neville Chamberlain Christiand and Collaborator who thinks appeasing the enemey...and, yes, they are the enemy because if they got control Christians will go to Gulags and be murdered in mass, as happens under EVERY OFFICIALLY ATHEISTIC GOVERNMENT...will somehow enable him to gain some advantage.
