
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"The faithful few"

(Posted on Steve's behalf.)

Now if only Bob Sungenis and Gerry Matatics would join forces to consolidate the endangered remnant of the true One True Church.



  1. How can you say that, TUAD, when they have the Consensus Patrum on their side? :-)

  2. Catholic Fundamentalist Geocentrist kooks because they are such literalists in their hermeneutic.

    No wonder some people don't want to become Christians. They think becoming Christians means that they'll have to check their brains at the door and become Fundy-Literalists like these Geocentrist Catholics.

  3. My question is from this:

    No wonder some people don't want to become Christians.

    No wonder no one becomes a Christian!

    Rom 3:11 no one understands; no one seeks for God.

    And just how does one bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ?

  4. natamllc said: And just how does one bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ?

    Not without the Holy Spirit, that's for sure.

  5. Anti-Catholic Fundamentalist YEC kooks because they are such literalists in their hermeneutic.

    No wonder some people don't want to become Christians. They think becoming Christians means that they'll have to check their brains at the door and become Fundy-Literalists like these YEC Anti-Catholics like Hays and Turretinfan and Sproul and (probably) White.

  6. Hi Dave Armstrong,

    I kid you not, I had no idea when I wrote my comment about "Catholic Fundamentalist Geocentrist kooks" that you had wrote your post several days prior.

    I know you think that YEC's are nutjobs. I get that. (BTW, aren't there some Catholic YEC's?) But don't you think that Catholic GeoCentrists are a WORSE nutjob than YEC's? (BTW, I don't know of any Protestant GeoCentrists).

  7. Steve Hays: "How can you say that, TUAD, when they have the Consensus Patrum on their side? :-)"

    "Consensus Patrum"... is that like the consensus of the Early Church Fathers? Is Consensus Patrum more or less synonymous with Consensus Fidelium?

    If so, then with the Early Church Fathers, didn't they believe in Geocentrism and a literal 6-day creation and a young earth?

    And doesn't the Catholic Church like to pride itself as being continuous in maintaining the traditional views of the Early Church Fathers?

    In which case, shouldn't Dave Armstrong be supportive of the Early Church Fathers and Consensus Fidelium? In which case, Dave Armstrong would be supportive of Geocentrism AND Young Earth Creationism!

    And if he isn't, then he opposes the Early Church Fathers.

  8. Since Dave is so paranoid of his posts vanishing, even though he has self-censored about 300x more posts than have ever been deleted by Steve, and reposts his comments on his blog for fear they be deleted and the world be deprived of L'Essence De Dave (now in spas all over Cleveland), in his honor I'm reposting what I just posted on his blog:

    Hey, proof Catholics can't go five minutes without a Crusade.

    I'm highly anticipating the next pointless list Dave puts me on. I'm marveling at how pathetic it is that Dave has to put *my* name on his list (although I'm honored to be listed right between Sproul and White). The thought of cashing in on that even crossed my mind!

    Me: Hey, you should publish my book. Dave Armstrong put me on a list between Sproul and White!

    Publisher: Dave who?

  9. TUAD wrote: "(BTW, I don't know of any Protestant GeoCentrists)."

    The Association for Biblical Astronomy (originally The Tychonian Society, after Tycho Brahe).

  10. There are plenty of Protestant geocentrists:

    These folks would fit right in around here.
