
Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Medical dystopia

Economic downturns always lead to increased poverty, and increased poverty necessarily results in more deaths. By "flattening the curve" via turning off the economy, we've now made it where not only do you have to avoid COVID-19 during your quarantine, but you need to avoid that heart attack, accidental fall in the shower, burning yourself at the stove, not tripping over your cat, etc. etc. etc. Because hospitals can't afford to pay doctor's and nurses given the ban on so-called "elective" procedures and the fact that most people who need any medical care are probably furloughed too so they can't pay anyway, they have to cut hours and pay, meaning there's fewer people to see you during your emergency. When you enact the economics of a socialist utopia, you get the standard of living of a socialist utopia. Only now there's no America to flee to.

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