
Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Bible, the Koran, and Jesus


  1. And for the parts where Allah breathes up Mary's genitals (farj) and Mo having her as on of his wives in jannah, doing all the things a Muslim man in jannah is supposed to do to women?

    What are the sources for those eh?

    For the life of me I don't see how any Catholic can view Islam favourably upon knowing the above.

    1. Where is that? That Mohammed would have Mary mother of Jesus as one of his wives in Jennah ( meaning= paradise/ heavenly garden) - where is that in the hadith or the Quran? Never heard that one before.

      The other - in Quran 21:91 and 66:12 ( blowing the spirit into her private parts, to create Jesus in the womb- although Muslims interpret that along with the word “guarding” her chastity - they have ways of explaining that)

    2. For some strange reason, I don't find the idea of Mary's private parts being nicely guarded until the day that Allah can perform intimate oral deeds on her very comforting...

      The Hadith(s) in question:'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Muhammad#Mary.27s_Husband

      They are classified as daif for what that's worth - isnad chains are basically worthless and unproveable, and far more ridiculous Hadith are classified as sahih.

      NB: Over here in Malaysia, the word 'faraj' is Malay for 'vagina'.

  2. Very good graphic by Wesley Huff. Thanks for linking to this. The more I look at his articles and material, the more impressed I am.

    He did a good job of putting together that information of the sources of where Muhammad and the Qur'an got its ideas about Jesus.

    The older books on that are:
    The Sources of Islam, by William St. Clair-Tisdall (An Anglican missionary in late 1800s to early 1900s)
