
Saturday, February 01, 2020

Secular doomsday cult

I've found the furious reaction to Trump's impeding acquittal curious. Liberals are just livid. Absolutely beside themselves But why? Were they seriously expecting 2/3+ of the Senate to vote for his removal? That was never realistic. So what's the explanation?

i) To some extent they're just sore losers. 

ii) Some of them may believe that many or most GOP senators privately share their viewpoint about Trump, but are too craven to vote against him for fear of political backlash from the base. It's inconceivable to them that anyone can't see the Trump administration the same way they do. So they assume the impending acquittal must be due to hypocrisy!

iii) Some of them may believe that GOP senators ought to share their view of Trump. If they don't, then that goes to show how obtuse they are. So some of them may be enraged by the fact that the senators in question can't see what's blindingly obvious. The "facts" are staring them right in the face. How can they be so willfully oblivious? 

(ii) & (iii) are due largely to the fact that many of them only listen to one side of the argument. They only watch or read progressive "news" outlets. So for them, the facts are indisputable. It's striking how so many people allow themselves to be manipulated by selective exposure. (Of course, that's not unique to secular progressives.)

In addition, many Americans believe that Christianity and conservative ideology are evil. They view this as an existential threat to all that's decent and rational. It's like a doomsday cult. A secular millennial cult with a hysterically apocalyptic outlook. 

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