
Wednesday, February 05, 2020

"American paganism"

How many articles have we seen like this? 

The fake pic of the "separated" crying child. The linking of nationalism with racism, as if the USA is Iceland.'

Also, the flattening of human obligations, as if we have equal obligations to everyone. But a basic principle of "nationalism" is that you draw from the collective system what you contribute to the collective system. Many so-called "refugees" are simply looters who take without giving. They take what other people have put into the system.

America can't provide for all the needy desperate people of the world. That would turn America into the same hellhole some of them are fleeing from. People-groups must assume responsibility for their own national destiny.

Does the author of the article (David Albertson) leave his door unlocked to let whoever wants to come into his home and raid the kitchen while he's away at work?

Does he leave his keys in the car with the door unlocked for anyone who might like to use it or take it? Does he believe in private property?

1 comment:

  1. I think this may be an opportunity to court legal immigrants (e.g. many minorities). Few frown upon illegal immigrants more than legal immigrants.

    The Republican party doesn't have to win over a majority of (say) Latino voters. If I'm not mistaken, Trump won 28% of the Latino vote in 2016. If Trump can win 33% or even 40% of the Latino vote in 2020, then that could translate into a much bigger victory for him than in 2016. (Of course, this is only one variable among lots of other dynamic variables.)
