
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Puberty blockers


  1. If pediatricians promote the obvious abuse of children on this issue, how can they be trusted in other matters such as the insane amount of “safe” toxic vaccines they inject kids with?

    Here is the real science on this that the CDC has covered up:

    1. 1. Pediatricians could be right about one thing, but wrong about another. No need to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

      2. Pediatric endocrinologists don't represent all pediatricians.

      3. For that matter, the CDC doesn't represent all physicians, nor is the CDC the be all, end all even when it comes to vaccinations.

      4. The vaccines cause autism myth has been debunked countless times by countless people on all sides of the political and social spectrum.

    2. 5. It's interesting the two biggest anti-vaccination groups seem to be a subset of conservative Christians (e.g. many fundamentalists) and a subset of liberal-progressives (e.g. wealthy San Francisco / Bay Area parents). The two groups can find common cause in opposing vaccinations. Not entirely sure why this is, but it may be worth exploring.
