
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Impeachment carnival

What outraged leftists fail to grasp is that elections are about alternatives. Even if we think Trump was guilty of abuse of power, that's not a game-changer considering whoever the Democrat nominee will be. The question is what's the alternative to Trump? If you frame it that way, then it's trivially easy to understand why Trump supporters are unmoved by the impeachment carnival. even if Trump is corrupt, many voters prefer a corrupt president who protects their civil liberties to a corrupt president who tramples on their civil liberties. So even if, for argument's sake, we assume the worst about Trump, choosing him over whoever the Democrat nominee will be is still a no-brainer. 

Democrats be like: "Put the gun down so that we can bust your kneecaps with a baseball bat". And I'm thinking to myself, "Why in the world would I agree to that?"

Not to mention that much of this is cynicism camouflaged as idealism. It's just hilarious to see them decry the alleged lawlessness of the Trump administration (which in general is quite respectful of the rule of law) when you compare it to the brazen lawlessness of the Obama administration–as well as dictatorial Democrat candidates  who pledge to violate the Constitutional rights of American citizens, if elected. Not to mention lawless judges as self-appointed members of the Resistance! 

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