
Friday, November 15, 2019

Drag queen patriarchalism

Transgenderism is the new misogyny. We've come full circle from historic discrimination against women through the woman's lib movement and equality laws to the oppression of women under the guise of transgenderism. Drag queen patriarchalism.


  1. Patriarchy as ordained by God coming full circle through degeneration into this abomination.

  2. It's a good point that needs to be pushed, whether ironically or unironically. I've made the same point, tongue firmly in cheek while acknowledging the utter absurdity of the situation.

    One could not claim to be too shocked if it turned out this whole thing was an elaborate male plot to keep females down, or 'in their place'!

  3. Indeed. There is a famous case here of a huge tranny footballer who after much publicity is allowed to play in the woman's league. He is well known for knocking women out.

    Germaine Greer who has protested by saying genders are fixed has found herself deplatformed.
