
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Luke, the beloved physician

Luke introduces himself as well as the apostle Paul. A quibble is the post might give the impression that the Christian should court suffering.


  1. Thanks for sharing this. It’s Benjamin. I think your critique is more than fair. I tweaked the second to last paragraph to bring more biblical balance to the story. Thanks.

    1. Thanks, Benjamin! I really enjoyed your post/sermon (even before the tweak, but the tweak does make a good post even better, I think). I don't know if you're planning to do more like this, maybe even do a series like this and turn it into a book, but I'd read it if you do. :)

    2. I was thinking of doing one from the perspective of Jesus, and calling it, I don’t know, something like “Jesus Calling.” ;-)

      Thanks for the encouragement. No more plans at this time. We’ll see what happens…
