
Monday, September 23, 2019

Clement Of Rome Wasn't Roman Catholic

There was a good discussion of the doctrine of justification in First Cement on one of James White's recent webcasts. If you do a Ctrl F search for "Clement" in the thread here, including in the comments section, you'll find a lot of additional information on the subject, such as responses to some popular counterarguments. But James White made some good points that didn't come up in the thread linked above, so listen to his webcast as well. And here's a collection of links to other material on inconsistencies between First Clement and Roman Catholicism.

1 comment:

  1. David King posts a lot of great quotes from the fathers in the facebook group Catholics & Reformed. He's a recent one on sola fide that copied and pasted on one of my blogs.

    Did Some of the Early Church Fathers Make Statements that Anticipate Something Approaching Sola Fide?
