
Friday, July 19, 2019

Gender dissenter

1 comment:

  1. 1. Here's the event in question. Josephson's remarks start at approximately 28 mins.

    2. This shows how LGBTQ proponents and their supporters win: not by reason and argument, certainly not by medical and scientific evidence, nor even by fair and sensible deliberation ending in an open and honest vote with the majority decided in their favor (though they likely hold a majority vote at the university), but by bullying and intimidation, by sheer fiat and dictum. They're like an academic Gestapo.

    3. I think this very likely violates his first amendment rights, viz. freedom of speech. No academic should be afraid to lose their job simply for speaking their mind. Especially at a public university since a public university is part of the government and the government must uphold our rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

    4. A strength of Western academics, including American academic medicine, is it's a place where intelletuals are free to explore intellectual ideas. Academia is supposed to be (as Josephson points out) a free marketplace of ideas.

    Of course, that's not to suggest anything and everything always goes. Where to draw lines is a separate debate. In any case, Josephnson's concerns about gender dysphoria treatments for children are more than reasonable concerns. They shouldn't be dismissed outright.

    If this kind of attitude permeates across American academic medicine, then there may be a gloomy future in store for academic medicine.

    5. So long as the free market exists, though liberals and progressives are likewise trying to bind the demonic forces of the free market, private practice is a good option. The fear is all physicians becoming government employees or perhaps even employees in general. Then what you're free to do or not do depends on your employer.

    On that note, difficult though it was and is, I suppose Josephson is more fortunate than many others kicked out of academia. That is, one thing that's good about being a physician is he can still earn a decent living without bending the knee to academia. (I'm speaking in terms of worst-case scenarios, short of having his medical license revoked. Of course, I hope he wins his fight. Not only for his sake, but for our sake too.)

    By contrast, like Ben Stein showed in his film Expelled, that's not the case for many scientists. Sadly scientists seem to have it worse.

    I guess that's why Ben Shapiro says things like (paraphrasing): forget about academia, just make a lot of money, then academia will come to you.
