
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Don't like abortions?

1. Don't like murders? Just ignore them. Like you ignore aborted babies.

2. In general, I've read conservatives give more than liberals when it comes to charity or philanthropy. For example, even the New York Times concedes as much. I couldn't find information about adoption rates between conservatives and liberals, but maybe someone else can.

3. There's a burgeoning adoption movement among conservative evangelical Christians. Several Christian leaders like John Piper, Russell Moore, and Justin Taylor have adopted kids, I think. However, liberals and progressives criticize and attempt to put roadblocks to prevent conservative Christians from adopting (e.g. "The Trouble With the Christian Adoption Movement").

4. I'd never suggest for a second it's good for a child to be in foster care or anything similar. However, consider the attitude of Robert Kim Henderson in comparison to the "victim" attitude of the left. Henderson was a foster kid who served in the USAF, graduated from Yale University, and is currently a PhD student (psychology) at the University of Cambridge. Henderson writes:

There aren’t many conservative students at Yale: fewer than 12 percent, according to a survey by our student newspaper. There are fewer former foster children. I am one of the rare students on campus who can claim both identities.

My unusual upbringing has shaped my conservatism. My birth mother was addicted to drugs. As a young child, I spent five years in foster care. At age 7, I was adopted, but for a long time after that I was raised in broken homes.

Foster care, broken homes and military service have fashioned my judgments. My experiences drive me to reflect on what environments are best for children. Certainly not the ones I came from.

Where I came from can be understood through my name: Robert Kim Henderson. All three names were taken from different adults.

Robert comes from my supposed biological father. The only information I have about him is his name from a document provided by a social worker responsible for my case when I was a foster child.

My middle name, Kim, comes from my biological mother. It was her family name. She succumbed to drug addiction, rendering her unable to care for me.

And my last name: Henderson. It comes from my former adoptive father. After my adoptive mother left him, he severed ties with me in order to hurt her. He figured that my emotional pain from his desertion would be transmitted to my adoptive mother. He was right. The three people who gave me their names have something in common: All abandoned me. None took responsibility.

Last year, a fellow student told me I was a victim. Yale is the only place where someone has said this to me. I responded that if someone had told me I was a victim when I was a kid, I would never have made it to the Air Force, where I served for eight years, or to Yale. I would have given up. When I was 10, a teacher told me that if I applied myself, I could alter my future. This advice changed my life.


  1. Welcome to the team, Hawk -- if that is your real name!

    1. Just between you and me, he's a member of the Comanche nation, and his full name is Gray Hawk.

    2. Thanks, Vaughn! What Steve said is absolutely correct: that's what my people call me. However, in wider American society, I'll say my first name is Tom while my middle initial begins with an A. :)

    3. And here I thought he was a member of the RSS (Reformed Secret Service); codename: Augustine Zwingli Hawk. Perhaps I've said too much already...

  2. -- Don't like murders? Just ignore them. Like you ignore aborted babies. --
