
Tuesday, April 02, 2019


This is a rhetorical riposte to "snowflakes". A way to put younger men who chafe at political correctness on the defensive. 

i) The snowflake category isn't just a rightwing perception. Increasingly, there are liberal outlets that express concern about "snowplow parents." Snowplow parents are so overprotective and meddling that their kids never develop the coping skills they need to function in adult society. That's a real problem. 

ii) Although "broflake" is clever rhetorical tactic, it isn't very smart for progressives to keep antagonizing and writing off major voting blocks. There are lots of men who aren't socially conservative, who naturally vote Democrat, but when the party keeps snubbing guys for being guys, that's half the potential electorate right there. 

iii) I'm not "offended" by progressive attitudes or policies. And I personally probably haven't been hurt by such policies, in part because the culture wars were far less advanced when I was younger, and in part because I had a certain margin that a lot of guys don't have. It was easy for me to make the cut, even though I'm naturally an underachiever. 

But we have policies that are very harmful to men. That's not something to make fun of–unless you just hate half the species. 


  1. On a related note, I think American conservatives should make more widely known the "WalkAway campaign" (AKA #WalkAway). Where former Democrats have walked away from the Democratic party for some other party, or no party as yet. If the movement really grows, it'll weaken the Democratic party and even strengthen some conservatives parties. So much so that it'll start affecting elections. Even if only getting some people to stop voting for Democratic candidates.

    Sharing the testimonials of these former Democrats on YouTube and facebook with family and friends who aren't yet ready to join (or far from joining) the Republican party will at least be exposed to the lunacy and extremism of the modern Democratic party.

  2. Your third point is something I’ve thought about a good deal. Being well into my forties, especially in this part of the country, I’m not expected to be on leftist, ‘snowflake’ fringe. At least not yet! :(. That doesn’t mean a walk to HR and subsequently out the door is not in my future for not going along with all of this nonsense coming down.

    I worry and pray for young men who are coming of age and entering the workforce. They are expected to tow the line. They never developed the skills nor clout to push back or adapt. They have no memory of a time when you were not expected to give approval for what was going on regardless of depravity. There was plenty of bad stuff between 1980 and say 2008 to pick a date, but the Obama years marked a turning point from tolerance to coercive approval.
