
Sunday, April 21, 2019

Birth strikers

From antinatalism, through feminism and "white privilege"  to transgenderism, it's morbidly fascinating to see atheists adopt a suicidal, self-hating ideology:


  1. /// and bringing children into this world means taking the food out of others’ mouths, putting more pressure on natural resources, and potentially sentencing those children to a life of uncertainty and hunger.///

    They can’t justify these fears. Jordan Peterson just — in an incidental way — dismissed all of these fears and gave strong evidence that these things are not happening in this video (see his introductory remarks beginning about 8:20 of this video: — in fact, food production is increasing, more and more people are moving out of basic poverty, and there is, even with current projections, going to be a leveling off of the population shortly. In short, God’s world can and will provide for the population, whatever it is.

    In church at Easter services yesterday, I am continuously amazed to see all of the young people who used to be college students, who now have 2, 3, 4, and even 5 or more kids with them in services.

  2. I am happy to hear atheists are not multiplying themselves, biologically at least
