
Monday, February 04, 2019

Tampering with the Electoral College

Sovereign Nations has republished a story that originally appeared in the Colorado Peak Politics blog (“Colorado’s Conservative Bully Pulpit”):

FAREWELL ELECTORAL COLLEGE: State Senate Gives Away Our Presidential Votes:
Democrats have only had control of the state Senate for a few weeks, and already they’ve voted to give away Colorado’s vote in future presidential elections.

Instead of our nine electoral votes going to the candidate we vote for, the winner of the national popular vote would instead be handed all of Colorado’s votes.

There’s a reason only large or Democratic-controlled states are moving in this direction — Hillary Clinton would be president now under this system.

It gives all the power to elect presidents to heavily populated states, and silences the voice of flyover country overwhelmingly populated by Republicans.

In order for it to take effect, states with at least 270 electoral votes must pass a law — California, New York and New Jersey are already on board.

Republican State Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg of Sterling says this bill would abdicate Colorado’s voice in presidential elections, and he’s right.

“Why would we want to cede any of our power to what the national popular vote says, to what California says, to what New York says?” Sonnenberg said.

Republicans tried to drive home their point by jokingly suggesting language stating Colorado would just be surrendering their vote to California. It would be funnier if it weren’t actually true.

Sponsored by Democratic state Sen. Mike Foote of Lafayette, the bill passed the Senate Monday and will soon be voted on in the House for final passage.

We fully expect Gov. Polis will gleefully sign it into law.

Passage in the state house and a governor’s signature would still be required, but their state house is comprised of 41 Democrats and 24 Republicans. Even if this doesn’t make it into law, it is a chilling sign of the lengths that Democrats will go to, in order to win a presidential election.


  1. People from CA (mostly) and NY come here to create the hell that they are fleeing. They don't put two and two together.
