
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Meet the in-laws

In light of all the controversies and scandals that rocked the Church in 2018, many Catholics attempted to answer the question “why are you still Catholic?”  There is every indication that these controversies and scandals will continue and increase in 2019, so the question remains.  While it is good for Catholics to answer this question, it is also good for us to consider how strong those answers are. Are they really getting at the crux of the matter?

We should also remember that love is messy in that we stick with those who we love, even when nothing makes sense. Even when we might be angry with them. Find me someone who has not expressed outrage towards God because of this crisis, and I will show you someone who isn’t being real about their love. Find me someone who thinks all of this makes sense, and I will show you a stoic, not a Christian. Love doesn’t say we have all the answers. Love doesn’t even say we’re happy at that moment. Love says we give somebody a chance.  

Years ago I lived within walking distance of a strip mall that a corner store selling Star Trek memorabilia. I'm not enough of a Trekkie to take an interest in Star Trek memorabilia, but out of curiosity I went inside and poked around. He did have bookmarks with photos of cast members. I was interested in bookmarks with Deanna Troi, but unfortunately those were out of stock. 

However, we got into a conversation. Turns out, he belonged to one of New York mafia families. However, he had no interest in the family business. He did his best to keep his distance from his mob connections. Sometimes, even in the case of family, you need to disassociate yourself from some of the relatives. 


  1. > We should also remember that love is messy in that we stick with those who we love, even when nothing makes sense

    This statement isn't true. Sometimes love means walking away. Love for Christ means walking away from corrupt pseudo-churches. Departing from brethren who refuse to repent of their sin.

    It's legitimate to walk out of an abusive home. Love doesn't compel you to keep going back for doses of abuse. Dressing up the advice of "just keep sucking it up, it's good for the soul" in pseudo-spiritual terms is not an act of love to the hearer at all.

  2. I note also that this writer also seems to be bringing out the "the more spiritual abuse Rome hands out, the holier we are when we endure it are" trope. i.e. You can praise yourself for being more loving than people who read the writing on the wall and respond to it wisely. But to do that, you need some criteria to evaluate the situation. If your bottom line is "we will never depart from the external organisation that controls the Vatican state, come what may", then you should just come out and say so. If that's what it really is, then drop all the fig-leaf explanations that claim that it's really something else.
