
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Moral schizophrenia

In fact, most of this abuse involves homosexual assaults on pubescent boys, of the kind (not remotely connected with religion) that occurred at my private school. This fact is neglected at least partly because it is no longer respectable to disapprove of homosexuality as such, and many homosexual liberationists campaign for ever-lower ages of consent–which wold bring such offenses perilously close to being legal, especially given the feebleness with which the current age of consent is policed. Yet the [Roman Catholic] church is simultaneously criticized by  its foes for being against homosexual acts and for failing to act strongly enough against such acts… Peter Hitchens, The Rage Against God (Zondervan 2010), 204.

1 comment:

  1. There's plenty of this kind of moral schizophrenia to go around:

    Transgenderism insists that gender is entirely a psychological construct against the cultural norms of external appearance while they determine to alter their external appearance according to cultural norms.

    How many male homosexuals would go for a woman who identified as a man or lesbians a man who identified as a woman? Only bisexuals would countenance that.

    Interestingly, it's the feminists who have long noticed the ideological tension between feminist and transgender movements, although they still want to claim some sort of intersectionality between them.

    Moral schizophrenia only goes to show that the real issue is something else that they aren't saying.
