
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Did God Zap Ananias and Sapphira?

This is one of the stranger interpretations I've run across:

According to BW3, It doesn't involve God at all. God is not an actor in this story. 

To begin with, how was Peter privy to their deception? Isn't there the unstated implication that he has supernatural knowledge of their deception? Doesn't the fact that Peter knew this was coming imply supernatural prescience? 

Statistically speaking, how many people in honor/shame cultures drop dead when they are shamed? 

And what a coincidence that both the husband and wife drop dead of a heart attack when they were exposed. A synchronized heart attack!

BW3 would make an interesting homicide detective. 

1 comment:

  1. Similar to the swoon theory - where Jesus managed to survive grievous injuries and embalming spices rubbed into the gaping wounds, push the stone away, beat up the armed guards, and convince the apostles to be willing to die for this kind of 'resurrection' where they too can look like bloodied zombies - Mr Witherington actually demands a greater miracle than the plain reading of the text does!
