
Thursday, September 06, 2018

The heckler's veto

The antics of protesters at the Kavanaugh illustrate what seems to be a growing phenomenon among SJWs. Increasingly, they act as if demonstrations, sometimes violent, are an effective substitute for official channels of redress. 

The heckler's veto is often effective on college campuses, with spineless leftwing administrators. But in many situations, obnoxious and/or violent protest is ineffectual. For instance, when Trump crossed the 270 electoral college threshold, marching in the streets, burning cars and businesses were a futile exercise in juvenile rage. Likewise, a president has the Constitutional authority to nominate judicial replacements, so long as his party has enough votes in the Senate, screaming, swearing, chanting, brandishing placards and pussyhats won't affect the outcome.

We seen to have a generation of young people (not all young people) who are used to getting their way by merely expressing disapproval. Sometimes that works, which emboldens them. But they haven't figured out that in many cases, that won't make a dime's worth of difference. The normal way to change things is through the official levers of power. Winning elections. Passing laws. Having judges with a particular judicial philosophy. 

Staging demonstrations can be effective on a national scale if some gov't policy is massively unpopular. Otherwise, most citizens just go about their business.  

Mind you, I think many demonstrators and keyboard warriors aren't serious about changing law and public policy. It's just an easy, cost-free way to convey to their peer group that they checked the approved boxes. Protesting on social media is a cheap symbolic gesture. 

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