
Sunday, September 02, 2018

Papal priorities


  1. '[The Pope] said efforts to fight plastics litter must be waged "as if everthing depended on us"... [and] urged politicians to apply "farsighted responsibility" in dealing with climate change, as well as migration policies...'

    I clearly have not had enough coffee today. Sure this reads:

    '[The Pope] said efforts to fight sexual abuse within the Church and the corruption of covering up these scandals must be waged "as if everything depended on us"...[and] urged the Church to apply "farsighted reslonsibility" in dealing with the aftermath of these horrific revelations...'

    Yes. That, surely, is how this reads.

    Darling, put the kettle on!

  2. Off topic, but why do we believe all these claims against the Catholic Church? Most of the priests are retired or dead and thus can't defend themselves. The Pa "grand jury" report (which was not written by a bunch of local yokals but by a democrat named "Josh Rosen" named a priest born in 1892 as an offender. Unless you've got a Ouiji board he pretty much can't defend himself. And of course the media hates the church.

    1. i) We don't have to believe all the claims. Given the sheer volume, there's a margin for error.

      ii) There's a consistent pattern from any independent sources.

      iii) The scale of the abuse is presumably much greater since many victims are dead, were paid off, or feel too humiliated/shattered to go on record.
