
Saturday, September 08, 2018

Can you think of any laws that give the government the power to make decisions about the male body?

I dunno. How bout military conscription? You know–drafting young men to fight in war. Forcing their bodies into harm's way. Many are killed or maimed as a result. That's a start. 


  1. The other thing about her question is that she is acting like any attempts to regulate that a woman not use her body in ways which would knowingly result in the death of an unborn child are based upon *foundational* law pertaining to women. But of course there are fundamental principles appealed to by laws, e.g. laws appealing to a duty to cause no harm, and those become the basis for laws against actions like assault and murder. And those laws are more general than the law against abortion, so a law against abortion is an application of something more fundamental. Harris knows this. Really what she was doing in that set of questions and interruptions (of BK) was setting herself up as something of a hero in the progressive base for a 2020 run. Booker tried and ended up crucifying himself.
