
Monday, November 13, 2017

Does God want the best and the brightest?

This may well be a helpful miniseries on the problem of evil:

Watching part 1 made me think of this scenario:

Take two high school football teams. Suppose the coach for team A is able to recruit all the most athletically talented players statewide. He has a financial sponsor who enables families outside the school district to relocate. His team is the best team in the state. It has the 11 top players statewide. Given the competition, team A is unbeatable.

Suppose the coach for team B was in a position to recruit all the most athletically talented players statewide. He could tap an eager financial sponsor to outbid team A. He could co-opt the talent pool for team A.

But suppose he deliberately picks less than best players. Just the players that happen to attend that school. 

His priority is not to have the best possible team, but to use football to foster other virtues, like camaraderie and brotherly love. Giving lonely or low-esteem boys a chance to form friendships and develop self-confidence. He ranks those virtues above sheer athletic excellence.

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