
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Should I save a zygote over a baby?


  1. "Imagine the following hypothetical scenario – one which is intensely relevant to your argument. In one hand, I hold a foetus (or a zygote, or embryo). In my other hand, I hold a baby. One of them is going to be killed – you decide which."

    I'd add a zygote, embryo, or fetus which hasn't reached viability can't survive outside its mother's womb absent modern medicine. So the atheist has effectively killed or murdered the zygote, embryo, or non-viable fetus by taking it outside its mother's womb. If the zygote, embryo, or fetus has already perished, then there's no choice left to make besides rescuing the baby from the sadistic atheist!

  2. A classic non-answer by not addressing the problem. Both from the link and Newton. Keep on writing...

    1. "A classic non-answer by not addressing the problem. Both from the link and Newton. Keep on writing..."

      Good job, Jon Sorensen. It's really nice to see you have an opinion. :-)

      However, I'm sorry to have to inform you lots of people have opinions on various matters. Unfortunately you're not the first! :-(

      The bright side is this is a learning experience for you. If you want to be a reasonable person, then what should follow after your opinion is you decide to back up your opinion with facts, evidence, argument, and the like. Maybe you'd like to try this next time? :-)

    2. In case it wasn't already obvious I should clarify my original statement was spoken with more than a touch of sarcasm.
