
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Hard death, good death

looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God (Heb 12:2).
One popular argument for euthanasia is that people are entitled to a "dignified" death. What are we to make of that claim from a Christian perspective?
For instance, Hume died a peaceful death while Jesus died in a state of physical and psychological torment. Was Hume's death a better death?
It was better in the sense that it's an easier way to die. But in a more important sense, the death of Christ was far better. Worse for himself, but better for others.
I'm not saying there's anything inherently good about an "undignified" death. But by the same token, there's nothing inherently bad about an "undignified" death. 
The death of Christ was paradigmatically undignified. A humiliating death. A  horrendous death. A hard death, but a good death.
Of course, the death of Christ is uniquely redemptive. But there are other examples. Take a soldier who throws himself on a grenade to shield his comrades. He may die in agony. Yet there's a sense in which that's a better death than the painless death of a coward. 
Death is bad. Death is a curse. But how we die can be a witness. And how we die can be an opportunity for others. To have a loved one die in your arms is excruciating. But we shouldn't spare ourselves that pain. 
If, say, a loved one is dying of cancer, it's important for their family members to care for them right up to the bitter end. To follow through even when–or especially when–it hurts. Not abandon them at the low point of their life when they are most vulnerable, most fearful, most helpless. Even though it just gets worse and worse–and you know it won't have a happy ending–you don't desert them. 
And euthanasia can be abandonment. I don't want to face what you're going through. I don't want to watch it get worse and worse. I can't stand it! So do me a favor and off yourself to spare my feelings. Don't drag this out. Hurry up and get it over with! 

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