
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

An apologetic of horror

Since All Hallows' Eve is almost upon us, here is an article by Brian Godawa on the subject of horror. (He also appears to have an out-of-print lecture on DVD titled "Horror: A Biblical Genre.")

Here's an interview with Godawa on the same topic as well:


  1. I wouldn't equate apocalyptic literature with modern day horror, although I'll concede that there may some overlap, but I'm interested to see what kind of Christiany storytelling this guy is up to.

  2. Calvin is very helpful on Genesis 6. Beyond bringing our own confused expectation to the text, there's no reason to think angels mated with humans to spawn some strange hybrids.

    1. Unfortunately, Godawa's heavily invested in that particular interpretation.

    2. Yeah. He's not alone, unfortunately. I've also found it helpful to point out that God emphasizes in Genesis 1 that He designed creatures to only be able to reproduce after "their kind." Once that sets in, people have generally been more receptive to a different interpretation since it becomes more apparent that their take was not presented *in* the text, rather, *to* the text.

  3. Thanks, guys. I certainly don't agree with everything Godawa espouses. I do think, generally, in terms of his interaction as a Christian with the culture, that he's mainly on target. And I find a lot of what he says thought-provoking.
