
Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Sacred cows

Many of Mark Driscoll's political enemies and theological opponents would like to see him toppled in the current "plagiarism" scandal. But I doubt that Mars Hill Church is unique in this respect. So this scandal has the potential to dethrone some other megachurch pastors, if the same scrutiny is applied to other megachurch empires. Those who target Driscoll may see the bullet ricochet and slay their own sacred cows. Be that as it may, Here's some additional info in the developing story:


  1. I don't know why this has to result in the downfall of anyone. Probably the best result is some authors repent and promise to make it right. Revised editions are published. Everyone kisses and makes up.

    What should have happened in the Ergun Caner scandal.

  2. Any plagiarism, by anyone, needs to be revealed, rebuked and replaced.

  3. Ergun Caner's problem wasn't plagiarism. It was writing a fictional autobiography and repeatedly lying about his past so as to cultivate the aura of being an expert about topics that he had no genuine insight into. If he'd plagiarized, then at least the potential that his information was accurate would have been there. So Caner's offense was much greater, in my book, than any who has "simply" stolen the works of others.

    It's the difference between buying a stolen Monet and buying a forged Monet. At least the stolen Monet is actually a Monet.
