
Thursday, October 31, 2013

The latter day drought

Once upon a time, it rained a few days a week and it shined a few days a week, week after week, month after month–for as long as anyone could remember. 

Then Chief Rainmaker appeared. He prophesied that a year from now, there would be a six-month monsoon. He had many followers. They were the Latter-Day Rainers. In preparation, they stocked up on umbrellas, galoshes, inflatable boats, and rain slickers. Stores sold out.

Then Chief Dryspell appeared. He prophesied that a year from now, there would be a six-month dry season. He had many followers. They were the Latter-Day Droughters. In preparation, they bought convertibles and stopped building houses with roofs. They threw away their umbrellas, galoshes, inflatable boats, and rain slickers. 

A year later, the day of reckoning arrived. Both factions got up at first light to scan the skies for clouds. But it didn't rain that day. It didn't rain that week. Or the next. Or the next.

The Latter-Day Rainers were disillusioned. The Latter-Day Droughters accused Chief Rainmaker of being a false prophet. Chief Rainmaker went into hiding. 

A month later, it began to rain…and rain…and rain. It rained for five months straight.

The Latter-Day Droughters were disillusioned. The Latter-Day Rainers accused Chief Dryspell of being a false prophet. Chief Dryspell went into hiding. 

The Latter Day Droughters were all wet all the time. They tried to borrow umbrellas, galoshes, inflatable boats, and rain slickers from the Latter Day Rainers. But the Latter Day Rainers had thrown them all away. 

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