
Monday, September 23, 2013

"Fundamentalist Arminians"

For Roger Olson, it's not enough to be Arminian: you must be the right kind of Arminian:

You are surely right about that. We need such an organized Arminian movement. Unfortunately, evangelical Arminians are beginning to fragment as fundamentalist Arminians go to Arminian discussion groups and accuse non-fundamentalist Arminians of being unworthy of the label. Somehow Calvinists have been able to coalesce in spite of some differences of interpretation over other matters and promote Calvinism in a mass, organized way. Apparently we Arminians just aren't that organized.


  1. I must have misplaced my membership card for the Super Secet Society for the Advancement of Calvinism somewhere, because I haven't been to my Calvinism promotion meetings recently.

    Seriously, though, what does he mean by a "mass, organized" promotion of Calvinism? Yes, Calvinism is being vigorously promoted, but I don't know how someone can call it organized unless one has a mind for conspiracy theories.

  2. "Somehow Calvinists have been able to coalesce in spite of some differences of interpretation over other matters"

    Maybe we aren't concerned as much about promoting Calvinism as we are about glorifying God through right doctrine. Although we might equate the two somewhat, the difference in the approach allows for such distinctions as theological triage affords. Arminians haven't been as good at that because most Arminians are Arminians probably because they lack that kind of refinement in their thinking.
