
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Cats are evil"

This is a promising development:

I’m glad that environmentalists have opened a new front in the culture wars by attacking pet owners. I hope that they will make this their new cause and pursue it aggressively.

I say that because many voters who don’t bat at eye at eugenic abortion or involuntary euthanasia are passionately possessive and protective of their pets. Indeed, for many liberals, pets take the place of kids. Waging war against cats, dogs, horses, &c., and tying that to the green ideology, is a wonderful way to create a popular backslash against the Green movement.


  1. I've spent some time in Kiwi-land I think that your hopes for a popular backlash against the Green Ideology don't have much chance of satisfaction.

    The politics of that little country are far to the left and often have a sickly green shade.

  2. The left is a fractured whole (oxymoron alert) that has largely been kept in isolated pockets of special interests: homosexuals, environmentalists, redistributionists, animal-rights activists, illegal aliens, Muslims, socialists, etc. While there is some crossover among individuals, like homosexuals who are involved in the environmentalist campaigns for example, leftist ideology has typically been tailored to each group to keep them from putting two and two together across groups. There is coming a day when many will realize their conflicted interests in a practical way and it will cause the left to buckle.
