
Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Who lost?

In a superficial sense, Romney lost. But in a deeper sense, Romney had nothing to lose. His personal fortune will insulate his family from the consequences of Obama’s economic and social policies. He will live out his remaining years in comfort and security. 

The real losers are the Obama voters. They are blindly empowering a man who will destroy them.

That would be poetic justice, but unfortunately, they drag down the rest of us.

Mind you, my best years are behind me, so I don’t have much to lose either. I don’t have a great personal stake in life at this juncture. I’m just sorry for the future which Obama’s policies will deny to the innocent, the undeserving.


  1. Trying to look at things positively, I realize that at the end of President Obama's 2nd term he and the other liberals who supported him will have no excuse for the terrible economic state the U.S. will probably be in. He'll have had 8 years in office (just as Bush 43 did). He and his supporters won't have anyone to blame other than themselves. That will make any non-Democratic candidate attractive to almost anyone (including Democrats). The key is find and grooming that(or those) future candidate(s) now.

    1. That's largely my take. My big question is whether the damage will be too extensive by then.

  2. The Cultist and the Follower of Militant Atheist Ayn Rand lost.

    So what? They didn't care about the people, and the Republicans nominated evil men.

    What do you expect?

    1. Should we have elected the guy who named his son "Rand"?

  3. Who lost? The American People lost. History will look back at this and note that it was the inflection point in our Republic: We lost our freedom, we lost our Constitution, we lost our country. Oh, there will still (probably) be a nation called "The United States of America," but it won't be the one we grew up it. It won't be the one established by the Founding Fathers.

    Wicked rulers are a sign of God's judgment, and that's what Obama is - wicked through and through.

  4. Steve,

    I respect your opinion and I’m hoping you might give me some insight and enlightenment on my issues with the Democratic position. I may be wrong about this and if I am, please enlighten me.

    It seems to me that Jesus’ approach to healing the world is profound as he seemed to endorse that a nature-change, that is a change of heart, must take place. I fear that democrats are trying to heal things by using external methods – tax the rich and give the money to the poor. But why would the rich take it in the kazoo? Since they are the gate keepers, wouldn’t increasing their taxes simply drive up costs of products and services passing those funds to the consumer (middle class)? Now if the middle class has to pay more for inflating prices, they have more of a burden to carry and can purchase less resulting in less economic spending. Less economic spending means less jobs and causes down-sizing meaning more unemployment resulting in higher taxes because we’re trying to help the unemployed (poor).

    It seems to me the democratic approach simply spirals till it’s out of control, thus I agree with your assessment of this post.

    I’m pretty new to politics and my family is primarily democratic. I always know they’ll give me caricatured answers. For example, they claim democrats are for the poor – the subtext obviously meaning that the republicans are not (even claiming Republicans are for the rich). But it seems republicans are for the poor in the sense to get them working and put food on their tables. They simply realize the rich are the ones who control the jobs because they’ve worked hard to get where they are.

    Perhaps my understanding is too simple. Perhaps there’s other ways of looking at it that I’m unaware of.

  5. The rich do not care because they do not pay taxes in any meaningful sense. See effective tax rates. Romney is case in point.

    Real wages have been stagnant for decades. Neither party has been effective for the poor. Unbridled deregulation was a terrible mistake and now Democrats have taken advantage of the results.

  6. Matthew, what is "unbridled deregulation" and in what ways have the dem's taken advantage?

    1. Derivatives and credit default swaps. Then look at the demagoguery Democrats have pushed on this, even though they are no better. Obama has done nothing to govern Wall Street. Instead, he has taken their money and appointed corporatists to key positions. Yet Republicans are the only ones to blame!

  7. Matt, could you give me a few names from wall street to look up? I'd appreciate it.

    1. There are a lot of relevant players. You can start with AiG, Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs.

  8. "I’m just sorry for the future which Obama’s policies will deny to the innocent, the undeserving."

    e.g. My children... who I'm trying to groom to spread the gospel in a post-prosperity United States.
