
Sunday, February 19, 2012

New Cardinal Dolan seen as papabile (candidate to be pope)

The Main Act of the Day
Yesterday, Benedict XVI presided over a “day of reflection and prayer” in which 133 cardinals took part, as well as the 22 new inductees in the church’s most exclusive club.
The main act of the day was a speech on the new evangelization by Dolan, who delivered a vintage performance emphasizing the need to present the Christian message in a positive light, and to avoid demonizing the secular world...
There was also more evidence of a boomlet around Dolan this morning in the Italian media. Il Messaggero’s Vatican writer, Franca Giansoldati, published a piece on the consistory under the headline, “Among the 22 new cardinals, a new papabile breaks out: the American Dolan.”
Papabile is the Italian word for a candidate to be pope.

Dolan Addresses Pre-Consistory Prayer Day
Cardinal-designate Dolan was chosen by the Pope to address the group for today's Day of Reflection and Prayer on the vigil of the consistory.
The New York archbishop recommended the following seven pointers:
1) Remembering that even those who boast of their secularism have an innate longing for the divine; the first step of evangelization must be to keep the quest for God alive
2) "Be not afraid" -- confident, without being triumphalist, since it is the power of God who sends his people to evangelize 
3) Knowing that the new evangelization is not about presenting a doctrine or belief-system, but a Person, whose name is Jesus
4) Nevertheless, this Jesus is the Truth. Hence, evangelization is linked to catechesis
5) An evangelist must be a person of joy -- someone who smiles
6) The new evangelization is about love -- the love of God made concrete in service
7) Finally, martyrdom. A reminder that the Church is now peopled by those who are suffering persecution for their faith, and that these martyrs give impetus to the new evangelization


  1. So, you could say that he's palapbly papabile?

  2. I thought the next one is supposed to be Peter the Roman? :D
