
Monday, December 19, 2011

Death of a Wasted Wordsmith


  1. Gary North? Isn't he the guy who pushed the Y2K scam?

    Yeah, that's himl...the guy who predicts different disasasters as fast as Frankie Schaeffer changes religions.

  2. Emanuel Goldstein, Steve has critiqued North various times for various things. Just because Steve (or anyone else) posts a link to an article doesn't mean that Steve endorses everything the author believes. For example, Steve has disagreements with Arminians, Atheists, Catholics etc. Yet, on many occasions Steve has posted links to articles or blogs written by such people.

    Here's a link to the latest critique of Gary North that Steve has posted. (click here)

  3. Gary North is very erratic. However, he's a bright guy who can say insightful things from time to time–like his witty response to Misty Irons.
